Our first ever virtual event has officially come to a close. Step Into Our Studio, a three-part virtual workshop series that featured CCSA teachers and students, was a resounding success – raising nearly $25,000 to support CCSA. We hope all who attended walked away with a better understanding of how students and teachers have adapted to virtual learning and how CCSA’s arts-integrated curriculum is increasing engagement amidst the pandemic.. We appreciate your willingness to explore and discuss difficult topics such as race, injustice, and dangerous historical inaccuracies, just as our students are supported in doing every day.
We offer a special thank you to CCSA art teacher Kelly Nicholson, music teacher Frank Hosking, and middle school social studies teacher Cherron Hamm for sharing a glimpse inside their classrooms. We also want to acknowledge the nine students who so wonderfully demonstrated the lessons and shared their invaluable, often vulnerable, insight on the topics at hand.
The event would not have been possible without our generous corporate sponsors: BMC Benefit Services, Charter Choices, Hoffman Insurance Consultants LLC, Lintons Food Service Management, and WSFS Bank.
Finally, we are sending the biggest “thank you” to all who donated and attended the event. We miss seeing you all in person, but we count ourselves lucky to still be able to connect with you virtually. Keep an eye on your inbox, as we will be in touch with news of future events in the coming months.