School Reopening Plan/Spring 2021

Purpose for In-Person Instruction

We know that this is a difficult time to prepare for the return to in-person instruction.  There are pros and cons on both sides of the issue.  The primary elements driving our decision are the following:

  • Commitment to serve the whole child ~ In person, we offer the routine, structure, resources, emotional/mental health support and safety that benefits our students.
  • Concern about our most struggling students ~ Many students are falling farther behind because they are beyond the reach of our virtual support.
  • Focus on equity ~ Students in some of the more affluent districts and private schools have had access to in-person instruction all year; additionally, other schools in the area are transitioning to in-person as well.
  • Prepare for Success in 2021-2022 ~ By implementing in-person instruction through year end, we can learn and plan in advance of next year.  At least half of our students will be able to re-establish in-person school expectations after nearly a year.
  • Parent demand & Leadership encouragement for in-person instruction has increased.


Registration for in-person instruction was made available to all families as an option.  While it is offered to all, there are limited seats available.  We will continue to accept registration as long as space is available.  If there is interest that exceeds the number of seats available, then those students will be placed on a waiting list.  In order to maintain an in-person seat, a student must attend regularly.  If a student is not attending consistently in-person (excluding known periods of quarantine/illness) then that student's seat may be offered to a student on the waiting list.


Starting February 22
Registered Students in Kindergarten and Special Education
Daily 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (in-person)
Daily 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (online)

Starting March 15
Registered Students in Grades 1-12
Daily 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
(Pick-up begins at 3:00 p.m.)

Only students who have been registered online and have been sent a confirmation email from CCSA may attend.

Most schedule elements remain the same as online schedule.
Scheduled Asynchronous Days will be observed as scheduled on 
March 24, April 28 and May 26

Health & Safety Expectations

Maintaining healthy and safe conditions throughout the building will require collective effort.  It is impossible to keep the CCSA Community well unless everyone is working together.  Staff members will teach and model the following expectations and hold students accountable.  All CCSA Community Members all MUST...

  • Wear a mask at all times, except when eating or drinking
  • Maintain 6 feet of distance, whenever possible.
  • Use good hand hygiene by washing hands when possible and using sanitizer.
  • Refrain from touching others, whenever possible.
  • Use disinfectant wipes to clean shared desks and tables.
  • Not share supplies or materials unless cleaned/sanitized between users.

Instructional Expectations

CCSA leadership understand that these are unusual times.  We appreciate the hard work of staff to pivot throughout the year.  We expect staff to do their best, however, we know that instruction may be different than it would be in a typical year.  These are basic expectations:

  • Teachers will instruct through the online format, even with students in-person.
  • Students in the room can be on the computer with headset.
  • Teachers may choose to project online instruction for in-person students to see.
  • During independent practice, the teacher (and other support staff, if applicable) will provide feedback to students online and in-person, to the greatest extent possible.
  • Teachers may employ additional strategies so long as it exceeds basic expectations.


Given that instruction will continue through the online platform, each student will need to have a computer while at school.  Any student who has a CCSA loaner device should bring it with him/her to CCSA.  The teacher should determine if the student should take it home daily or leave it locked and secured at CCSA.  Teachers must provide each student with a label to place their name on the outside of the device.  No other student should be permitted to use the device of that student.  Extra devices will be available for use, however those devices MAY NOT be taken home unless a parent completes and signs a Technology Loaner Agreement.

Support Staff

A limited number of Instructional Support Aides (ISAs) will be employed to help support instruction in specific grades.

  • Early Elementary students will receive greater adult support because these students have the most to learn about following school structures and routines.
  • Additional supports will be provided based on availability to groups based on need as determined by leadership.

Transitions & Movement

In order to help limit the opportunity for close contact, there will be established pathways that MUST be observed by all members of the school community.

  • Elevators
    • Only 2 people may use at a time
    • Students are NOT permitted to use except with documented medical excuse
  • Stairwells
    • Up Stairs/#1 (Bus Lot) & #4 (Main Parking Lot)
    • Down Stairs / #2 (Dollar General) & #3 (Playground)
  • Hallways
    • All should walk on the right side of the hallway with distance using floor markers

Lunch & Recess

All students will eat in their classrooms.  This will be a time when students are unmasked, so they MUST remain in their assigned location with a properly placed sneeze guard.  Students in grades K-5 will be provided with a recess break during which students should engage in distanced activities.  Students grades 6 and above will have lunch combined with a flexible break so students can relax and socialize while remaining distanced.

  Kinder. 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade
11:30-11:50 Lunch Lunch Recess Recess Recess Recess
11:55-12:15 Recess Recess Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch


  Grades 6-8
1:00-1:40 Lunch


  High School
1:50-2:10 Lunch


Our "New Normal"

Most of us (adults and students) do not have a mental framework for what in-person instruction in this current environment looks and feels like. CCSA will dedicate time to do the following:

  • Talk with students about the fact that things are different.
  • Help students to process their feelings about things that they miss and allow staff to do the same.
  • Seek solutions and work together to come up with strategies to replace things CCSA Community Members all miss.
    • Example: Since you can't hug, create a no touch class "handshake" with movements and make it fun (think Black Panther)
  • Be patient with students and staff because everyone is trying to accept and work through the changes and losses that this pandemic has caused.

Attire Expectations

While CCSA is a uniform school, given the circumstance, we will be flexible at this time:

  • All students MUST wear a mask daily.
  • If students have uniforms they are encouraged to wear them.
  • If students don't have uniforms, if possible, they should wear school colors (red, gray, white, black)
  • No inappropriate symbols/words on clothing; No holes.
  • No slippers or slides; closed toed shoes only.
  • Staff may dress comfortably and casually, including jeans.

Cultural Arts

February 22-March 12

Grades K-2 Grades 6-8 Grades 9-12 Grades 3-5
10:30-11:30 12:00-12:50 1:00-1:50 2:05-2:55
Music and Theater Students remain in class Student Remain in class Art and PE
Math Lab and Dance Math Lab and Dance
PE and Art Music and Theater


March 15- End of Year (Elementary switches w/ Grade teacher after 6 weeks)

Grades K-2 Grades 6-8 Grades 9-12 Grades 3-5
10:30-11:30 12:00-12:50 1:00-1:50 2:05-2:55
Math Lab and Dance Students remain in class Students remain in class Music and Theater
Art and PE Art and PE
Music and Theater Math Lab and Dance